Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 16

Can you believe it's almost 2012? It's crazy. I have a boyfriend I'll be ending college. It's scary but at the same time exciting!

Right now it's 12:37am. I'm never up this late but I'm just not tired and I can't sleep. Tomorrow is the last day of 2011. Can I just say ahh!! And then I'll be starting a new year with a new blog post. Called 2012. Original right? :) I thought so. I'm going to try and blog at least once a month.

As for my green Christmas, well it happened. I visited a place called St.Thomas for a few days to babysit my nieces. I love it because it lets me spend time with them since I don't see them as much as my nephews who live about 5 minutes away from me. I love it also because I'm able to do girly things with them like paint our nails, play tea party and dress up. They're 2 and 5 and are the cutest things ever.

I also whacked my hand today, lost my dads glasses and almost got in a car accident (but shhh don't tell the parents).
In my defense it was the car's fault ( no offense Goldy). But it's being brought in tomorrow. You see the person in front of me slammed on his or her hands and then I went to but my car slid. Almost rear ending the person but thankfully it didn't.

I'm listening to Justin Bieber right now quietly while playing games on my computer but I should really try and get some sleep. I have yet another day ahead of me.

Oh by the way for those who don't know who Justin Bieber and is reading this or it's me looking back on it and forget who he was or is. He's a 17 year old singer who got famous when a Rapper named Usher discovered him on Youtube a website dedicated to videos where people make accounts and post videos on their channel. He is now dating Selena Gomez a 19 year old actress who is absolutely GORGOUS! Just saying.

Any who I'm off to bed.

- A -

Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 15

So the festivities begin!

Well at 9:30pm. Today's my sister's 20th birthday (I'm older by 5 months).

You see I'm adopted and so is she. We have two younger sisters who are both 18 and were 20. They're 5 months apart and so are we. Fascinating isn't it?

So I have her birthday party to go to, then Christmas eve is tomorrow! Craziness I think it's safe to say were going to have a green Christmas. It's calling for snow on the 25th but I need to wake up to snow not wake up to green so make it snow earlier!

I have dinner with the boyfriends family and then hang out with my biological siblings then home with my family.
Christmas day birthday supper for my sister with my family and Christmas as well as Christmas brunch. Then Boxing day is dinner with the boyfriends relatives dad side and then the 27th is mine where the WHOLE famjam will be at my place. Sisters brother in laws, nieces, nephews. Making it a total of 20 people? Ya. This isn't even counting Grandparents, cousins and Aunt and Uncles.

Craziness you say? I know. But I've been use to this since I was little. It's just gotten bigger. It went from 9,10,11,12 to 20 with one on the way :) Ya.

P.S. This doesn't even include my biological side.
- A -

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 14

Oh my goodness, so as I laid in bed today, sicker then any of the other days I realized that they're are only FIVE  more days until Christmas. Craziness! I feel  a lot better now then I did before. I really hope this goes away soon. I still have a few more people I need to finish getting their Christmas gifts done and wrap them, and then I have chores to get done and then I want to start doing things I want to do like work out, practice guitar, piano and knitting.

I also can't wait for it to snow. It is almost Christmas and still no snow. Sure it snowed a couple days but just enough to lightly cover the grass. I can't do my winter activities with that little of snow. I live in Canada mother nature, last year around this time was crazy with snow. This year there's nothing and it's not even that cold outside. I feel like I'm having a California winter instead of a Canadian one. I want snow! I need a white Christmas too! It's not Christmas with out snow!

So mother nature, if your reading this... MAKE IT SNOW!

Thank you :)

p.s can I just say that I have the sweetest boyfriend ever. He came to my house in his Christmas hat with halls and Hot lemon drink that is good for the cold and flu symptoms.

Of course I wasn't looking my finest but whatever he wanted to see my sick self so he got it (:
Then of course my mom was like "Who wants to play cards?" My mom is addicted I tell you! But me and boyfriend won so it's all that matters :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 13

Day 13 of blogging!

Well I'm hungry, I actually just started to get hungry as I started type this. 8:07am, I've been up since like 7:45am and I'm mad because I should still be sleeping, I didn't fall asleep till probably 12:30am which is weird. I've notice that I've been going to bed later and later and I don't like that. I'm the kind of person that doesn't like to stay up late because then I feel like I'm wasting a whole day away.

As I woke up the Saturday for my first full day of Christmas vacation, I had a little bit of a scratchy voice.  Yesterday got worse and today well it's just horrible! So I'm going to have  my breakfast and then go to the clinic and do my other errands that I have to do.

- A -

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 12

So I didn't blog at all on field placement but over all it went really well! Today was my last day and of course I cried! Those infants can really make an impact on your day, they put a smile on your face and make you laugh and seeing the development in them is incredible since the first year is wear you see the most development happen.

Me and boyfriend are still good and I feel like after placement we've become stronger. It wasn't easy let me tell you that. Our conversations got shorter since I wouldn't be able to talk on the phone or text him as much but we were able to hang every weekend which was nice. It also was harder to because he was on nights and I was on days so when I finished for the day he was just on his way to work but where he works he's able to text and it's not a big deal which is nice.

I don't really have much else to say, tonight my nephew slept over and we decorated my massive Christmas tree, we still are not finished decorating it and then there's the house to do as well. We have to bring a ladder in to put ornaments on and the angel, ya a phreaking LADDER. Craziness I tell you.

- A -

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 11

Holy Tomolly I can't believe it's been this long since I have blogged. I didn't at all in October, probably because it was a busy month.
I start exams this week but thought I would just do a quick blog before I get back to the homework.

Me and the boyfriend are still good :) Our second month went by so quickly!
Now I have 1 week of exams and then I'm off on Field Placement and then Christmas Vacation and then Back to school for 10 weeks and then field placment for 5 weeks and then done!

I feel like my life is zooming past me so quickly, pretty soon I'll be out of school and out in the real world. Oh boy....
- A -

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 10

If you wonder why I put day's it's because it's the 10th day I have written in my blog for example any who...

I feel like now is a perfect time to be typing away. I have a midterm tomorrow but although I should be freaking out, chewing my fingernails or any other thing your suppose to do the night before a midterm I'm not. For the first time in a long time I'm actually not freaking out. I've been practicing and working on not being a procrastinator and that's one of my flaws. I have organized my time so that I can do the things I want but still get my work done. I get distracted to easily. I see cool youtube videos, or start texting or eating.
I'm taking a break from studying. I need that and I feel like it  helps me to take a little bit of a break and then go back.
Right  now I am on the verge of being sweaty if you get what I mean. It's a weird feeling and wish it would go away. It probably didn't help that I had 2 long sleeve shirts on before this. You see,  when I get up in the morning I'm usually very cold which is normal. Plus it is fall but right now there is no way I need those 2 layers of clothing on top of  me.
Plus I've been itchy lately. Everywhere. I think I'm paranoid and thinking of it which is making me itchy? If that makes any sense. If It weren't for that I probably would of been asleep a lot earlier then i had intended on falling asleep.
I feel like this will be a longer then usual blog but I haven't written in here for a while.
I wish I could write in a journal but with this I feel like I can get out more. When I write after a while I have to stop. My hand starts to get sore and my writing doesn't look as nice as it did at the beginning and when I write I like my things to look nice. Like  my notes. If I don't like my notes or think there to sloppy I do them again. Good thing paper is recyclable!
Well I'm going to get back to my studies. I haven't really gotten the oppurtunity to talk to the boyfriend today. I've been busy with school and stuff. I guess I could be texting him right now but I like the option of when I get back to my work and I don't want to text him when I'm not sure when I'm getting back to my studies. It makes sense to me!

Back to studying I go. Well first with a snack. An apple that's what I'll have! I haven't been eating the healthiest since school started and it's about time I started!

Toot a loos!

- A -

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 9

This is how my day started. I was getting ready to go to school. I had planned to meet up with toga winner girl (see day 7 blog) .We were going to go around in the morning try to get students to vote for our school. But toga girl had gotten sick that morning. While I was getting ready boyfriend had text-ed me asking how Teacup was doing. Teacup was one of the male kittens that was smaller then the others. They were born the day after my birthday which had made them 6 weeks exactly yesterday. I would call him sitter because he would sit and not play fight with the other kittens.  That's when we new something wasn't right. He was the smallest out of the litter and when we brought food out the other kittens devoured it while he just sat back and watched. I gave him some meat and he ate that fast.So I had assumed he was fine and just didn't like the cat food. I brought them all back to the barn.
So when my boyfriend text-ed me I went out immediately to see if he was okay. He wasn't . I brought him in and put some lamps on to warm him up. I bought kitten formula and fed him through what looked like a needle but wasn't. All morning I heard everyone say he wasn't going to make it. I hated it.  I don't like hearing that. I try to stay positive.  It was so sad to see him like he was. He wouldn't even stand up. I couldn't touch him. No one else had the time to try and save it so there went me trying to study. I tried but couldn't concentrate. It got to the point where I just couldn't handle it anymore. My mom kept an eye on him while she watched the stand from her rocking chair while I went up stairs. I'm going to shower and relax. I cried. It was such an awful day that I did. Tomorrow I'll be over it and that's usually how I am about death, I cry it all out. Talk about that thing who died. All the good things and then say shit happens and move on. It does though when you think about it. Everything happens for a reason and it made sense that he wasn't going to live. I saw it coming but a part of me feels like my mom didn't put the effort in to save him. I couldn't touch it though. I put on gloves. I just couldn't it was just to much for me. So yes if I didn't say it yet Teacup did die.

I now sit with one of the others. It just sucks because he or she looks just like Tea cup. They all do. 5 black kittens Midnight ( the mom) had.

I'll miss you tea cup. <3

This is not how I had planned my day, and that's what sucks about life. Well I guess depending how you look at it. You never know what your day will bring. It could be awful or great. So now I'm going to take a shower, clear my mind and get back to studying.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 8

Day 2 of another busy day. Out of this whole day I had time to write on my tumblr account and then go to my sisters high school for the award ceremony. She won the math  award and am so proud of her since i know I could of never would of gotten that in high school and didn't.

Now I'm just catching up on my Glee that I missed. I love that show!

I'm loving school so far. Staying on task and getting my work and doing my best to read my chapters but it's hard. Especially since I work on the weekends and see the boyfriend as well. I don't like the fact of cutting him out of my life because of school and I won't. I know when I go on field placement it will be hard on us but we can make it through it :)

- Well I'm going back to Glee and spider solitare. I always have to be doing two things at once like when watching t.v. I know I'm weird.

- A-

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 7

Today's the day that it actually hit me that it's fall. I know I always think it once September 1st hits but it actually did, and I'd actually love fall if it'd stop raining! I want to see all of the leafs turning colours and on the ground, I want that beautiful fall weather with no precipitation, I hope it comes back soon.

Today is me and boyfriends 1 month <3 and we can't see each other since he works midnights so when I finish school for the day, he's at work, that's okay because he has the whole afternoon planned for us on Saturday after I finish work :)

Now yesterday, I had 3 of my friends sleep over after school. There's this girl whose in my program and I knew she was from far away but I thought her friends in the class would of shown her around. So at the recent pub, I think I told you about it, where my one friend won best toga? Well she was a little tipsy and came sitting down with us, and we ended up hanging out the whole night pretty much. I feel like it was the alcohol that gave her the confidence to hang out with us because she was always one of the quiet girls in class.

So I wanted to show her the county, we hoped on the expressway and I forgot to get off of it, landing us totally far from our destination and we ended up lost, except forks (it's what our class calls her cause she's from this small town that's out in no where and she's like foreign to our area) new where we are which I thought was funny, so we ended up back where we needed to be but the place we all wanted so badly to go was closed but I am so hosting another sleep over because I am not letting her leave our area with out visiting it so we went to this bird sanctuary where there was Canadian geese. My one friend was the only braved one and went into the area where they were which we were allowed to we just weren't as brave enough so eventually we all went in but they started following us, brave friend and toga winner ended up getting away from us but me and forks were stuck and I was freaking out. All I remember saying was "Honestly" over and over again and wanted to jump the fence. It was also raining so I had my umbrella and Forks had brave friends leather jacket so we used those two items for protection getting away from them, when I put the umbrella in front of me they didn't even care or try to attack, we got out and never wanted to go back in again.  We also got eaten alive from the mosquito's which I don't ever remember mosquito's ever being out during fall, not to mention it was raining but they didn't care but all my bug bites are massive and always warm, I hope it's not West Nile , a disease carried by mosquito's, there crazy like they must be a different kind from the ones in the summer time because I never got reactions like this. Then we went to brave girls house she lived near there but on our way my gas light went on telling me I needed to get gas soon and were out in the middle of no where. We made it to a gas station before I ran out of gas and then went to brave girls house. After we went to a little Chinese restaurant for supper and then my place.
We visited the kittens that my stray cat had and decided to bring them all in my room.Only problem was one decided to crawl through one of the wholes in the material I had that covered my box spring matress under my bed. I tried to get it out but couldn't so brave girl and forks lifted it up while toga winner held on to the other 4 kittens. I ended up having to cut open the sheet and get it out of there. The kitten is fine but I'm never letting my kittens go under my mattress again!

Well sorry this one was a longer read, this is nothing new for me though, something interesting or crazy is always happening to my life. Never boring that's for sure!

- A -

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 6

Usually I don't do a blog in the morning, I wait until my day is done but I can't sleep and don't have the energy to do anything you see...

Stupid me fixed my alarm clock last night and set my alarm as if I was going to school early this morning. It's Monday, I never go to school on Monday's so I turned my alarm clock and go to bed. I tried for an hour and couldn't fall back asleep. It's now raining and storming so I for sure can't fall asleep. I'm not even hungry to get breakfast which is odd because it's like the first thing I do when I get up, well that and pee. Someone motivate me to do something. Maybe I'll organize the junk that's in my craft room. My sisters are gone to school and my my parents are up. There always up at this time.

So it's 8:38 am and I got up at 7 and went to bed at 10:30 pm last night and I know I got at least 8 hours of sleep but if I can get my 10 or close to it I'm happy. That's what they say, 8 - 10 hours of sleep. It's just when I get waken up and it's not by myself doing it I'm tired. If you get what I mean?  I would be up by now probably but Instead I've been up at 7, tossing and turning to try and fall at sleep. I looked at my alarm clock and it was 7:59am so I got up.

I guess I'm starting my day earlier then expected :)

- A -

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 5

Today went by so fast ! I can't believe it's already 8pm. I worked this morning then got ready to go see a hockey game with a friend. She had one 2 tickets for having the best toga at our pub night. To be honest, some other girl should of won and if it were up to the audience she probably would of. Thing is she went out and bought hers which HELLO! The whole point of a toga party is to make one out of a bed sheet. Doesn't everyone know this? But me and my friend are pretty close with the Student Representative Council and they knew how much we've been DYING to go to our local hockey game. I had never been but she did once back when she was like 8 but doesn't remember. We wanted to go in September before exams and lots of assignments started consuming our lives but didn't have the money so the president said her name and that's how she won. Part of me wished she would of won fair and square but at the same time I'm so thankful and happy that they did this for us. They know how much we love our school and love being a part of it and I feel like this was a way for them to give back to us. Now my only question is... what made them decide to chose her over me? Just out of curiosity which also got me thinking, what if they do this again at the Halloween pub night? Because they know how excited I am for this night so I can show off my amazing costume or at least I think it's pretty cool :) Only a few people know and I could really use top prize which is $500. Ya $500 freaking dollars! Well I'm going to go back to cleaning. Bring my dirty clothes down and wash them. Oh ya fun stuff I know ;)

Well toot a loo's :)

- A -

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 4

Oh wow, what a crazy past few days, yesterday I wrote this :

It turned out to be a beautiful day, at first it was rainy, and cold. But now as I type this, I see the sun shining through and it's wonderful. :) I'm watching Jersey shore and yes this show is stupid, the fact that it seems like all they do is apply lots of self tanner and just like to have one night stands and party, they still have good things in it. Boyfriend picked me up today and we had hot chocolate together. We probably hung out for about 30 minutes but it was something. I'm hoping we can see each other on Sunday night when he gets back. I was watching a movie where this couple was lying in bed and I was jealous, I wanted that. As I'm older I want more privacy. Especially that I have a boyfriend now. I want to be alone and with him , like I wish I had my own house. lol I  just don't feel like a kid any more and I want to be out on my own. I can't and it was just be impossible right now lol like I'm still in school but I don't know at times I feel like that.
I have a busy weekend ahead of me, nothing newday 4. I'm constantly doing something. If I'm not hanging out with him I'm at  school or doing homework or cleaning or working. Something. Sometimes I wish I could just pause life and do more things but I can't.  I just find there's never enough hours in the day but I guess I'd rather be busy, then doing nothing at all. Well it's back to reading and looking up information for my assignment.
Toot a loo's :)
- A -

I didn't have internet so I typed it out on my computer. Since Thursday morning I've been gone from home, sleeping at residence, where students of the school pay to live there. Not every student lives there but those who chose to or live far away do. A friend of mine whose in my class lives there, I went to my first toga party the Thursday night and had fun:) Then Friday class got cancelled but of course I was up early, I can never sleep well at friends houses, its like it's because it's not my bed my body won't let me sleep. We had things to do at the school so we went then today was our field trip. We went to the Scrap box, it's a place where business's drop off random stuff they don't want and we fill up bags and pay $6.50 for anything we can fit in our bag. Then we go to Olive Garden. We don't have one where I live (we went to the United States of America to Ann Arbour, Michigan) and it's probably my favourite restaurant. I love there endless supply of bread sticks and salad but there salad had olives and hot peppers in it for some reason. I don't like either of them so didn't eat it. I ordered chicken alfredo fettuccine favourite food in the whole entire world! On the way home we were so crowded with stuff but had to of course sing on the way home, singing the songs that our professor taught to us in class and then started singing old disney songs from the classic Disney movies most of us grew up watching like the song "Part of this world" from the movie The little Mermaid. It was great, we laughed and were just all having a great time.

Well I can't believe it's 6:00pm already. Going to finish putting my things away, do some laundry, brush my teeth and get into my pj's because I'm tired. Then work on some  homework and watch a movie with my sister and mom.

- Bye!

- A -

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 3 continued...

I'm sorry if I kind of jump from topic to topic, I kind of do that in life to, I can sometimes jump from topic to topic, also... this blog was meant so that I could look back at the past and read what my life was about , and if others want to read, it's okay because I like reading other peoples blogs too. It lets me know I'm not the only person out there with things that bug them and have things on my mind, and issues with my life.

Day 3

Sorry my titles aren't exactly the most exciting but this is my journal. One that I hope to have for a while. I know where it is at all times, pages won't get destroyed and I know no one will try and take it from me. Although there's nothing like the real thing in your hands when it comes to anything <3

I've been jamming to Demi Lovato's new cd : Unbroken it's actually really good. I just hope she doesn't relapse or turns into another Disney dump. Stay Classy not trashy Demi *

Today's been a pretty good day. I scrounged around for changed just to pay for gas which sucked. I hate not having any money in the bank but I learned my lesson. Just because there's a clothing sale or anything doesn't mean I must buy it because even though it's on sale, those items eventually add up.

I make it sound so depressing when I say "Today was a good day" and I'm not saying everyday is miserable, and I try not to pick at the things that bug me. It's just there's nothing I can do well there is but I wouldn't sleep .

Sometimes I feel like there is so much I want to do but not enough time.
When I come home from school , I don't want to go out and get groceries. Ya I don't mind doing it but when I'm in school that's one thing I don't want to have to worry about. I feel like I have to do everything around my house . I love my parents and I understand they work on our farm all day there tired. well my mom does. She watches the stand from 9 to 6 and I would love to help out but I have assignments and chapters to read. I  don't want to have to come home and clean , do laundry and make supper. When I have two younger sisters. One who is 17 and the other is 18. Both capable of helping out. I know they don't have as much work as me especially since the school my sister goes to a school where they don't give out homework . Sometimes it happens but they try not to and I know she's capable of cleaning and such but my parents don't make them. On the weekend I try, but on the weekend I want to work, hang with the boyfriend, do my laundry and make sure I have clothes for the week and work on homework as well .

That's why I can't wait to get out, move on my own. Get a car , a job. A career. But when I leave my house it's "Do I make peace with my sister" or forget it since she doesn't deserve any second chances from me. You see she has hurt me, both physically and emotionally. It doesn't matter how old you are or gender, or even sexual orientation words hurt . She's gotten better and it's probably been I'd say almost 2 years since she last laid a finger on me. But she still has still said some hurtful words to me. Like she doesn't even consider me her sister and I honestly don't know what I did to her. She calls me immature and that I hold grudges but if it keeps happening it can't be a grudge and you may think it's not a big deal but to that person it is. Also if your sisters don't want to talk to you that's got to tell you something. I feel sorry for her, to think a person must try and make other peoples life so miserable to make they're life feel good.

Well I need to go back to my school work, enjoy the time I have now before field placement starts up again.  I do enjoy field placement and if I didn't I wouldn't be in the program I'm in it's just you never know what kind of place your going to end up at, the staff are they going to be nice? Will I be able to stay on task and do what I need to do and get the work I need to finish. They cram in more and more things that you will be doing and luckilly they lowered the amount  of work that you need to do which is nice but it's still can be a stressful time.

Okay I'm done now. For sure this time.

- A-

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 2

I'm back again, and I'm pretty sure that's how I started it last time to, I know it's been over a week but I just felt over whelm with school and when I looked at the assignments, and homework I had, as well as  the chapter readings I was caught up and okay.

So It's been 3 weeks now since I've been with boyfriend :) That Sunday we did ended up hanging out and from then to the next Sunday to when we told each other how we felt about each other (August 28th :) ) We had hung out 6 days that week, I was trying not to rush things and wanted to hang with him every other day but when he would ask what I was doing that night and I didn't have anything planned, I decided to just do it, my friend wasn't so sure if hanging out with him was such a good idea, all the time, and she had a good point, that I could get bored of him but I thought if I get bored of seeing him to much then it wasn't meant to be plus I knew once school had started that I wouldn't be able to hang out with him that much and that if anything it would only be weekends.

Here I am pretty much 4 weeks if you counted the first time we had hung out and pretty much a month once it hits the 21st in 2 days into our relationship and so far no problems. I know it's a month and it's early but I don't want to thing negativily. Just taking it day by day . We still talk every day and sometimes call at the end of the night. I do homework every night so that weekends are open for a social and work life. I work on a farm so I can say "Hey mom, I'll watch the road stand from 0 - 0 pm  or am for that matter.

But this week I wasn't able to work I was so busy and today it's rainy and I feel blah because I'm sick. I think I'm coming down with the cold. So I wasn't able to make money which is kind of my stressor right now. I don't have any money in the bank right now and I want to work the stand but I fear that I won't get my homework done or be able to hang with the boyfriend but this weekend he s off to Toronto with his buddies for some tournament that he's in which will give me the time to work this weekend a lot. Plus see my friend as well since she just got a full time job where as before since she wasn't in school because she graduated from college in June it was easier to make time to see here where now the two closest people in my life who aren't family both work full time but I guess that's like me to , I'm in school then come home to do homework. Only thing is I'm not making money while I do that. Right now I just want to make it through Christmas and make sure I have enough money to buy those Christmas presents.

Usually my parents give me $1,000 for school but this year because my mom is paying us 10 $ an hour now to watch our road stand I don't get that but there was no way I'd be able to make $ 1,000 before school started.

But as Andy Grammer would say :  "But you gotta keep your head up, oh, and you can let your hair down, eh. You gotta keep your head up, oh, and you can let your hair down, eh.  I know it's hard, know it's hard, to remember sometimes, but you gotta keep your head up, oh, and you can let your hair down, eh."

- A-

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day One

I'm back! I'm feeling a fresh start so I have made a new account. I have met someone and I feel like a new person. Life may not be perfect but right now in this moment it seems that way (: .

I'm not with boy 001 or boy 002 and for those who read my old blogs your probably thinking there was a boy 002? It only lasted a few weeks and never really blogged this summer. Always felt like there were other things that I could be doing and there was. So this is boy number 3 and you know what they say? Third times a charm ;)

We've been dating for 2 weeks today but have been friends for what has seemed to be a life time. We met probably a year and a half ago. I want to say I was out of high school when I met him but can't remember exactly. He had liked me but I never liked him. I'd make excuses up because I wasn't ready to date. I know you think are you crazy? But I was fine going through high school and not having a boyfriend. Plus I didn't have a car or my license or a job and that already are barriers on a relationship or obstacles. However you want to put it.

It wasn't until end of my first semester of college that I wanted a boyfriend and that I thought I was ready, the worst had seemed to be over and what I mean by that was the fact that I had 6 different courses I was taken. I had talked to boy #3 on and off. I was his supported friend, I'd give him advice when he wanted and needed it and did anything possible to stay in the friend zone. I just want to be friends I would tell him. So time passed on and he had messaged me one day. Saying how he had missed talking. We ended up running into each other at my clubs pub night. He was a lot cuter then what I had imagined him to be. I didn't really talk to him that much. I was running the pub night and was busy doing other things. This was in January plus I was seeing boy #1 at the time. Eventually June rolled around and we started talking again although I'm sure we had talked after that January run in. I wanted to get to know him more but it seemed like he was going on dates and I didn't want to interfere with any other the other girls he was seeing. Finally when I had asked about him and the girl he was seeing and he had said it wasn't looking good , I then seized the moment and asked him to come downtown for my birthday forgetting he had to work the next day he had to decline. I then invited him to my bonfire but it rained that night so I asked him if he wanted to hang out on the 21st of August, that Sunday....

It's getting late so I'm going to finish the story another time :)