Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 10

If you wonder why I put day's it's because it's the 10th day I have written in my blog for example any who...

I feel like now is a perfect time to be typing away. I have a midterm tomorrow but although I should be freaking out, chewing my fingernails or any other thing your suppose to do the night before a midterm I'm not. For the first time in a long time I'm actually not freaking out. I've been practicing and working on not being a procrastinator and that's one of my flaws. I have organized my time so that I can do the things I want but still get my work done. I get distracted to easily. I see cool youtube videos, or start texting or eating.
I'm taking a break from studying. I need that and I feel like it  helps me to take a little bit of a break and then go back.
Right  now I am on the verge of being sweaty if you get what I mean. It's a weird feeling and wish it would go away. It probably didn't help that I had 2 long sleeve shirts on before this. You see,  when I get up in the morning I'm usually very cold which is normal. Plus it is fall but right now there is no way I need those 2 layers of clothing on top of  me.
Plus I've been itchy lately. Everywhere. I think I'm paranoid and thinking of it which is making me itchy? If that makes any sense. If It weren't for that I probably would of been asleep a lot earlier then i had intended on falling asleep.
I feel like this will be a longer then usual blog but I haven't written in here for a while.
I wish I could write in a journal but with this I feel like I can get out more. When I write after a while I have to stop. My hand starts to get sore and my writing doesn't look as nice as it did at the beginning and when I write I like my things to look nice. Like  my notes. If I don't like my notes or think there to sloppy I do them again. Good thing paper is recyclable!
Well I'm going to get back to my studies. I haven't really gotten the oppurtunity to talk to the boyfriend today. I've been busy with school and stuff. I guess I could be texting him right now but I like the option of when I get back to my work and I don't want to text him when I'm not sure when I'm getting back to my studies. It makes sense to me!

Back to studying I go. Well first with a snack. An apple that's what I'll have! I haven't been eating the healthiest since school started and it's about time I started!

Toot a loos!

- A -

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